DOJO KANKUKAN - KYOKUSHIN-KAN KARATE - ESPAÑOL, ENGLISH (some in Swedish and Korean, Hangul). Defensa Personal, Artes Marciales, Martial arts, self defense. Majadahonda, Madrid.


Dichos Proverb


Ultimate of Kyokushin is not to win or lose at fighting, its goal is to accomplish as a human being.


Lo más importante en el Kyokushin no recae en la victoria o en la derrota, sino en perfeccionar el carácter de todos sus participantes.


"I have no clue how to overcome the others. The only thing I know is how to overcome myself. Today I am better than yesterday; tomorrow I will be even better."



"No tengo ni idea de cómo superar a los demás. Lo único que sé es superarme a mi mismo. Hoy ya soy mejor que ayer; mañana seré todavía mejor"


- Yosho Yamamoto

 Keep your head low (modesty), eyes high (ambition), mouth shut (serenity); base yourself on filial piety and benefit others.


"Your destructive power doubles as you explode your power instantaneously from the relaxed body."
 “Desde un cuerpo relajado tu fuerza destructiva se dobla instantáneamente en el momento que explota"

- Sosai Oyama Masutatsu


The spirit of Karate begins and ends with ettiquette. Just as "there is no first move in Karate," it is important to foster a spirit of respect for the other person. I think this spirit is developed through the study of correct Kihon and Kata.

El espiritu del Karate empieza y termina con cortesia. Al igual "que no hay un primer moviemiento en Karate," es importnate cultivar un espiritu de respeto hacia la otra persona. Yo creo que esto se desarrolla a través del estudio correcto del Kihon y Kata.
-Kancho Kyokushin-kan Hatsuo Royama
A samurai must continually think what are the aspects in which is still far from perfection, and devote his life to perfect each time more, tirelessly looking for the "true path".

Un samurai debe pensar continuamente cuáles son los aspectos en los que aún dista de la perfección, y consagrar su vida a perfeccionarse cada vez mas, buscando incansablemente el “camino verdadero”.

-Yosho Yamamoto (Hagakure)

A secret of martial arts tells us, first EYES, second FOOT, third HEART and fourth POWER (physical, technical and mental).

El secreto de las artes marciales nos dice, primero OJOS, segundo PIES, tercero CORAZON y cuarto FUERZA (física, técnica y mental).
-Kancho Kyokushin-kan Hatsuo Royama

Sosoi masutatsu Oyama, the founder of Kyokushin Karate always said that "The life of Karate is in Kumite" and "Kumite is in Kihon." First, correct Kihon and correct Kata a thotough acquisition of these movements and a full understanding of their content is what I think is most important. There it is important to adequately grasp the correct movement and correct form as well as their meaning.

-Kancho Kyokushin-kan Hatsuo Royama

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